Friday, August 1, 2008

Birthday cards anyone?

Summer is full with things to celebrate! One of my friends' birthday is just passed a week ago. She is away for a holiday now, and I want to welcome her with a warm present when she's back.

I've got the idea from Kaia (from DeviantArt), she has been making an incredibly cute celebration card for her mother's birthday. How thoughtful of her, don't you think so?

I'm thinking of making an handmade birthday card. And I need suggestions, it's not a kind of thing that you do everyday.

I've prepared these pages for the card (see below), I'll print them and paste 'em on a board page. I might use some ribbons and stickers as well.

Anyway I'm open for suggestions. You can offer something completely different, I'm open for anything.

Turkey ♥Japan

Japan ♥

What more can I say? I really love Japan and its lovely people. I've never been there, but somehow I feel like a part of me belong there.

Of course I love my country, I should admit that I'm nationalist at times, but it doesn't stop me from loving other countries, right? I love foreign languages, it's an amazing thing that the humanity has so many ways to express their thoughts.

And Japan, and Japanese language have a special place in my heart.

I feel that my admiration isn't one sided. This Pangea Day video shows it.

Enough rambling. I've more things/thoughts to share, I'll save them for my next post. Until then.